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How To’s
How do I create a wallet?
Before you claim tokens, if you are using a mobile phone you can select the wallet from an Android or IOS App Store. Just follow the instructions to setup. It is that simple. If you are using a computer you can add a plugin or search in apps.
When you scan the QR code and you have a wallet already installed. The Application will already find your wallet and ask you to connect.
We support Solana wallets. Search for one the wallets below and download. We recommend Phantom or Solflare.
I can’t claim my reward on my phone
If you have an iPhone and can’t connect to your Phantom or Slofare wallet do the following.
When you scan the QR code you will be on the “validate” page. Don’t click the red button,
Press on the URL link and select copy.
Now open phantom wallet on your device
Press the “explore” icon (looks like a globe)
Paste the link into the search bar by long pressing in the search bar and selecting paste
Now it will open the validate screen and you can proceed to claim your reward tokens
All else fails reach out to us [email protected]